West HQ | Membership | West HQ | Rewarding Your Loyalty


West HQ Loyal

Being Loyal has its rewards


Earn points on purchases to use as currency across West HQ. Our program also offers members discounts on a range of purchases at our restaurants, bars, cafés, and accommodation.

The more points you earn, the greater the discounts and rewards.

Membership costs:

1 year = $5

3 years = $10

How to join

You can complete the membership form here. Once filled in, visit our friendly Customer Service team at West HQ with your completed form and photo ID.

You will be issued with a membership card so you can start enjoying the benefits straight away.

How to earn

Swipe your card every time you pay, dine or stay. The more you earn, the more benefits you receive.

How to redeem

Redeem your points across the business to pay for food and drinks, show tickets, shopping gifts and much more. Plus, you’ll even get 50% off your purchase on some items when paying by points.

Birthday Rewards

Visit the members’ kiosks at West HQ during your birthday month to claim a voucher for a meal on us. Use the voucher at your choice of restaurant or bar across the destination! Just click on the birthday icon when you swipe your card at the kiosk.

Present the voucher that prints along with your valid membership card at your choice of restaurant or bar anytime throughout the month (excluding public holidays and special event days) to receive the voucher amount off your meal. You can use it at any Eat St. Central dining outlets, CHU Restaurant by China Doll, and New Town Thai restaurant – the choice is yours! Your voucher must be used in one transaction and must be used by you.

Treat your voucher like cash, as lost or stolen vouchers can’t be replaced.

Terms and Conditions apply.

Player activity statement is available on request. West HQ practices the responsible service of alcohol. Help is close at hand GambleAware gambleaware.nsw.gov.au 1800 858 858. If gambling is creating a problem in your life help is available. Contact the 24hr free confidential counselling service on 1800 BETSAFE (1800 239 723).

West HQ Loyal Cards

Membership Tiers

WHITE Tier <6,000 pts


  • Earn points around the destination for every eligible $1 spent including the Sydney Coliseum Theatre bars, CHU Restaurant by China Doll, and New Town Thai restaurant.
  • Redeem your points for purchases around the destination
  • Special member promotions (e.g. raffles)
  • Pre-sale and special offers for Sydney Coliseum Theatre events (when available)
  • 50% Discount on Poker when paying by points
  • 50% Discount at West HQ restaurants, bars & cafés when paying by points
  • $15 Food and beverage voucher to use on your choice of dining during your birthday month.
  • 10% Novotel Sydney West HQ discount



RED Tier >6,000 pts


  • Earn points around the destination for every eligible $1 spent including the Sydney Coliseum Theatre bars, and CHU Restaurant by China Doll and New Town Thai restaurant.
  • Redeem your points for purchases around the destination
  • Invitation only complimentary dinners and special events (e.g. Chinese New Year, Gift Days)
  • Keno voucher rewards
  • Special member promotions (e.g. raffles)
  • Pre-sale and special offers for Sydney Coliseum Theatre events (when available)
  • 50% Discount on Poker when paying by points
  • 5% Discount at West HQ restaurants, bars & cafés
  • 50% Discount at West HQ restaurants, bars & cafés when paying by points
  • $20 Food and beverage voucher to use on your choice of dining during your birthday month.
  • 10% Novotel Sydney West HQ discount


BLACK Tier >45,000 pts


  • Earn points around the destination for every eligible $1 spent including the Sydney Coliseum Theatre bars, and CHU Restaurant by China Doll and New Town Thai restaurant.
  • 5% weekly point of sale point accrual bonus
  • Redeem your points for purchases around the destination
  • Invitation only complimentary dinners and special events (e.g. Chinese New Year, Gift Days)
  • Keno voucher rewards
  • Special member promotions (e.g. raffles)
  • Pre-sale and special offers for Sydney Coliseum Theatre events (when available)
  • 50% Discount on Poker when paying by points
  • 10% Discount at West HQ restaurants, bars & cafés
  • 50% Discount at West HQ restaurants, bars & cafés when paying by points
  • $50 Food and beverage voucher to use on your choice of dining during your birthday month.
  • 10% Novotel Sydney West HQ discount
  • 2-night P/A Complimentary accommodation at Novotel Sydney West HQ
  • Room and check in/out upgrades (when available)
  • Complimentary Accor Plus loyalty program membership (upon application)

EMERALD Tier >90,000 pts


  • Earn points around the destination for every eligible $1 spent including the Sydney Coliseum Theatre bars, and CHU Restaurant by China Doll and New Town Thai restaurant.
  • 10% weekly point of sale point accrual bonus
  • Redeem your points for purchases around the destination
  • Invitation only complimentary dinners and special events (e.g. Chinese New Year, Gift Days)
  • Keno voucher rewards
  • Special member promotions (e.g. raffles)
  • Pre-sale and special offers for Sydney Coliseum Theatre events (when available)
  • 50% Discount on Poker when paying by points
  • 10% Discount at West HQ restaurants, bars & cafés
  • 50% Discount at West HQ restaurants, bars & cafés when paying by points
  • $50 Food and beverage voucher to use on your choice of dining during your birthday month.
  • 10% Novotel Sydney West HQ discount
  • 4-night P/A Complimentary accommodation at Novotel Sydney West HQ
  • Room and check in/out upgrades (when available)
  • Complimentary Accor Plus loyalty program membership (upon application)


ULTIMATE Tier >150,000 pts


  • Earn points around the destination for every eligible $1 spent including the Sydney Coliseum Theatre bars, and CHU Restaurant by China Doll and New Town Thai restaurant.
  • 15% weekly point of sale point accrual bonus
  • Redeem your points for purchases around the destination
  • Invitation only complimentary dinners and special events (e.g. Chinese New Year, Gift Days)
  • Keno voucher rewards
  • Special member promotions (e.g. raffles)
  • Milestone rewards and a $500 Gift Voucher for every 50,000 points a member accrues over 150,001 points
  • Pre-sale and special offers for Sydney Coliseum Theatre events (when available)
  • 50% Discount on Poker when paying by points
  • Complimentary One55 membership
  • 10% Discount at West HQ restaurants, bars & cafés
  • 50% Discount at West HQ restaurants, bars & cafés when paying by points
  • $50 Food and beverage voucher to use on your choice of dining during your birthday month.
  • 10% Novotel Sydney West HQ discount
  • 6-night P/A Complimentary accommodation at Novotel Sydney West HQ
  • Room and check in/out upgrades (when available)
  • Complimentary Accor Plus loyalty program membership (upon application)


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